Sunday, May 31, 2009

Everybody dance now!!

We have been so busy everyday this past week with Ava's dance rehearsals for her end of the year show which is next weekend.Yesterday was the dress rehearsal and today I am one sleepy Mama. Her shows are Saturday and Sunday. I am going to work in the dressing room on Saturday helping the girls get ready for their numbers. Ava is so excited because this year she got moved up from the "baby" dressing room to the "middle" dressing room!

Here is Ava before we left home yesterday. Let me tell you I AM NOT a fan of all the make-up, but if the girls don't have it they look so washed out with all of the stage lights. I know it looks so heavy but on stage you can't even tell she has it on. At her shows I will take a picture of her hair, you can't tell it her but she has on a hair piece. I got it at Walgreen's and it clips onto her pony tail, it makes doing her hair so easy!! She loves that fake hair and wore it every where we went over the weekend.
Ava and her friend Gracie. This is Ava's tap costume. I love the lime green!!Ava's ballet costume. This is my favorite one! I love it. Ava's says it's itchy but she loves the crown, a girl after my own heart-ha ha!!All the little ballerinas, Ava is in the back.
I followed Ava around all day like the paparazzi and she was so sick of me taking pictures of her. I know that next weekend during the actual show that it is going to be so busy that I am not going to be able to take pictures, so I wanted to get all my picture taking in this weekend. Anyway, as you can tell Ava is NOT happy that I am taking another picture. This is her jazz costume. Their song is "Somewhere over the Rainbow" and all of the costumes are characters from Wizard of Oz. Here is Ava with the tin man and the lion. Ava is the good witch. Isn't her big crown rockin'? The other girls are on the other side of the stage they are the scarecrow and the bad witch. I will take a picture next weekend of the whole class.

This is 10 seconds later. I asked her dance teacher Jill to be in a picture with the girls. Ava LOVES Jill look how happy she is now!!
Last costume, this is Ava's finale costume. It's really simple and I love the sparkly sash, Ava had to have pink...her favorite color!!

Last night I stayed up until midnight talking to my sister Shelby. She and her husband Ryan just got home from a one week cruise, it was fun talking with her and hearing all about it! Her two favorite things, the amazing FOOD and the LAUNDRY!
My sister does laundry every day and she was so happy they had a washer and dryer on the boat. Seriously, she is obsessed with doing laundry, we all make fun of her for it! She said that a lot of extended families take cruises together so she is going to look into a big family cruise.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


This week is production week for Ava's dance recital, which means she has rehearsal every night after school. They run through the whole show show and the practices take about 2-3 hours every night. Tonight we got home after 9pm which is super late for a 7 year old first grader who goes to bed by 8pm every night.
I knew she really needed to take a shower because it's been DAYS since her last shower, the girl hates to bathe. Anyhoo, it's really nasty and rainy out tonight and Ava said she was cold. After her shower this is the outfit she came downstairs in, I thought it looked so funny I had to take some pictures. Those pink things on her legs are legwarmers, she loves them and wants to wear them all the time. She also has on a nightgown that she has had since she was 2, a spring jacket, her soccer shorts, and some fuzzy socks. She cracks me up!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Show us where you live Friday!!

Kelly's house tour continues today and it's Dining Rooms!!! My Dining Room is my favorite room in our whole house, it's in the middle of our house and whenever people come over we always end up sitting around our dining room table and talking. Ready for a party!!All decorated for Christma

Happy Friday!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

no pics part 2

I found my camera today!! It was in my purse, that goes to show that A) my purse is way too big and B) It obviously needs to be cleaned out! I took some pictures today of some cute seashells that I put out for summer! I will show pictures of them tomorrow.

During last nights Little League game Brock was the pitcher. It is fun for me to watch Graig during Brock's games because I can tell he is SO proud of our one and only son. Little League games are fun for all of us but I think Graig likes them the best!

My sister Shelby told me about these great dresses at Wal-Mart. She bought two of them. They are so flattering and they only cost $14! Thanks for the tip Shelby, I bought one in brown.

Happy Tuesday!!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

What no pictures????

I bet that is what you are thinking, ha ha! I took pictures this weekend but I can't find my camera. This weekend was a blur...we were so busy I hope I remember everything that we did this weekend, so here's a recap

Friday night
-Ava and I went to a dance recital to see her two friends that live by us. The recital was so cute and we sat next to Ava's friend from her dance class. They were so cute talking about all the costumes, and dances.
-Graig and Brock were at the Little League field watching the Friday night game

-I worked at graduation. It was fun seeing all the students one last time before they left. They were so excited and it was a beautiful day so it was perfect for graduation!
-Brock had a Little League game, his team lost :(
-Ava had ballet in the morning and then recital practice in the afternoon
-Brock and Ava both had friends over and Graig played poker with his friends

-we got up early and went shopping for Little League
-Brock had a soccer game, his team lost :(
-Ava had recital practice
-Brock and Ava had friends over
-watching Desperate Housewives final
I felt like we were going non-stop this whole weekend!!
Hopefully I will find my camera soon.
Have a good week!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Sick day project

Since Brock was sick for the 3rd day in a row yesterday, I stayed home with him all three days. We watched a lot of TV and movies while he was sick and just took it easy. I am so glad he is feeling better and is back to school today.

While I was home yesterday, I painted this chair and made it into a planter. I love how it turned out! I bought this chair last weekend at a yard sale for only $2!! I have been looking for one and I was so happy that I found one at my first yard sale of the season.
I spray painted the whole thing cream and then I painted on black paint and green paint (called fresh foliage, I LOVE that color!) and wiped it off with a paper towel. I wanted the chair to look really old and worn. I bought the pink petunias at a green house. I put the planter right outside our french doors that go to our deck so we can see it from our dining room and the deck.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Poor Brock and some spring decorating

Brock was so sick yesterday, I made him go to school in the morning and by 9am the nurse called me to pick him up. Poor thing he didn't do anything all day except lay around all day and sleep and watch TV. Tonight, he got up to eat dinner and then he went upstairs and fell asleep by 7:30, which is so early for Brock usually he is up until at least 10pm!

Since I was at home with him all day I spent a lot of time looking at blogs, Suburban Cottage did a post about Pottery Barn bargains. Pottery Barn and bargains don't usually go together but she listed a lot of cute sale items including this lemon tree. At only 12.99 I had to order it! I think it will look so nice in our dining room for the summer, I can't wait to get it!!

I hope everyone has a good Wednesday!! I am getting my hair cut today and tonight after dinner Ava and I are going to plant some Zinnias, they are my favorite flowers! I bought some over the weekend but I've had to keep them in the basement because it has been below freezing every night this week! It is suppose to be nice out today, thank goodness. I am ready for warm weather!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

monograms, monograms, monograms

I posted on Saturday about my quick Friday night project, when I bought that monogram I bought a few others to put on different things around our house. They are so easy to put on things, Ava even did one all by herself! I am going to buy some more because they are so pretty and easy. I think I am going to buy some for gifts, they would make great, inexpensive presents for people.

Here's the plate I posted on Friday.This one is my favorite. I got this glass vase for $3 at Wal-Mart. I love how this looks. Ava did this one all by herself!
Ava and I planted herbs over the weekend. I try this every year because I love fresh herbs. My sister Shelby gave me the little plant stakes. Ava and I went to look for flowers yesterday. She saw this patio tomato plant and begged me to get it for her. She loves baby tomatoes. She eats a whole container at a time!! Tomatoes are her favorite food, so I think it will be fun for her to have her own tomato plant to take care of this summer.
I got this windbreaker jacket for Brock at a yard sale. The first yard sales in our area started last weekend, I love yard sales! I got a lot of great things including this jacket.
Brock and I are at home today, he got sent home from school because he's sick. I think he has the stomach bug. Poor thing has been sleeping on the couch all morning.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mothers Day 2009!!

We had a great Mother's Day! This morning we went to brunch I forgot my camera so I don't have any pictures but the food was really good. We think Brock is going through a growth spurt because he ate so much and he was still hungry so after we got done we came home and I made him blueberry muffins. Grandma Jan and I also opened our Mother's Day gifts.

Here is Ava with Grandma Jan. They look so much alike!

Ava picked out these towels for me, I love them!

Grandma Jan got me this mantle clock, I love it!! I think it is so pretty!

This was my favorite Mother's Day gift a book that Ava illustrated! It's perfect and she was so proud to give it to me. It was the perfect gift!!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Quick Friday project

I ordered some monograms from Decal Monograms on Etsy. They came in the mail a couple of days ago and I had to find something to put them on. I went to Wal-Mart today and got a $3 plate and put a monogram on it. I bought a lot of these monograms and I can't wait to use them on other projects.

Hope everyone has a great weekend, we are going to be doing a lot of stuff around the house and relaxing. It should be fun

Friday, May 8, 2009

Show us where you live Friday!!

Today Kelly's tour continues with Living Rooms!! Our living room is my favorite room in our house, and it's where I spend all of my time. Graig and I fight over the "big couch" because it's so comfortable and we can spread out and watch TV. Our house was built in 1920 and when we first looked at what sold me on it was the fireplace. When we moved there was a wood burning stove which we took out. For Christmas last year our present from my Dad was money to put in an electric insert, which we haven't bought yet. We are going to look again in the fall when the inserts are out in the stores.
This is a view from the front door.
Another view from the front door, I love our red couches! I want to move them down to the basement and get a small sectional for our living room, I think that would be a better use of the space.

A view of our fireplace, I just got the glass jars from Ballard designs and I am not sure what to put in them yet!I just painted these shelves white at Christmas time, I am slowly painting all of our trim white. That is on my to-do list for tonight and tomorrow since Brock doesn't have a Little League game. This is a view looking into our sun room. The arch to the left leads to the dining room. On the door is a wicker mirror that Ava made for us when she went to Art Camp. I love it!We got this chalk board at Pottery Barn Kids. We got it for Brock and he outgrew it and then Ava used it now they are both too big for it but I am not ready to give it up yet. I think it looks cute in our living room.

TGIF!! I am so glad it's the weekend. We have a lot of stuff to do around the house this weekend and Sunday is Mother's Day!! We are going out to brunch at the Country Club by our house, it should be fun.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Food, Food and more food

The last couple of days have not been good for my diet! Yesterday, I took my 4 interns out for lunch to thank them for all of their hard work this semester. They are all graduating next week! We had so much fun working together this semester, I am going to miss all of them!! Here is a picture of all of us at lunch. Here they all are: Eric, Joe, Dani and Tiffanie, I am going to miss them!!
Today we had pizza tasting on campus, we got to try 15 different pizzas and pick out the two that we liked the best, our campus dining halls are picking out a new sauce. What a great job!! My friend Barb and I were the first two people in line for the tasting, everyone was making fun of us-ha ha! It was so fun tasting all all of the pizzas and I am so stuffed!! I am not eating dinner tonight!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Curl Cutie

Ava loves when I curl her hair, her hair is so thick and stick straight and it doesn't hold curl very well. Yesterday we picked up some sponge rollers that she can sleep in. Last night I spent 1/2 hour putting all of her hair up in curlers. She slept on the rollers and she got up bright and early this morning so I could take the curlers out. Here she is this morning with the curlers in her hair. I didn't have time to take a picture of her hair after we fixed it I will take one of her after school and post it.

Tonight after work I will be running around like a mad woman because Graig is out of town and Brock has baseball practice and Ava has dance and soccer's just another Manic Monday around here!!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Show us where you live Friday!!

Every Friday Kelly is doing a "Show us Where you Live" post. Kelly is one of my all time favorite bloggers and I am so excited to join in on this fun! I love to see where people live. It will be so fun to look at all the rooms that people post. Thanks for doing this Kelly!!!
This week is the KITCHEN Edition.

My kitchen is my least favorite room of our house. We live in a house that was built in 1920 and the kitchen is a seperate room not open like kitchens in newer homes. I can't wait until we can re-do it!! It will probably be a few years because Graig hates spending money, but I know I will wear him down eventually-ha ha!!

We are going to be busy, busy, busy this weekend! Tonight I am going out to dinner with my friends. Saturday, Brock has a baseball game, we have a 1st Communion/Party, Ava has dance and Brock is in a basketball tournament. Sunday is the same kind of day Brock has basketball and Ava has dance and soccer. I hope Graig gets a chance to work in the yard, it looks awful and I am sure the neighbors are talking-ha ha!!

Have a great weekend everyone!!