Friday, February 26, 2010

Show us your life-Collections!

Today Kelly is hosting "show us your life-collections"  the only thing that I really collect is monograms and things with our last name.  I LOVE personalized things and I think that things usually look better with a monogram!  Here are some of the monograms that I have collected over the past several years. 

I can't wait to see everyone else's collections!  Have a good weekend!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Snow Day!!

We are in the middle of the biggest snow storm that we have had this year.  We got at least 12 inches today and we are getting more snow tonight.  Brock and Ava didn't have school today because of the anticipated bad weather.  Since it wasn't too bad this morning I went to work for the morning and Ava went with me.  She had fun making copies and coloring.  She LOVES going to my office.  At lunch we went to each lunch with Graig and his co-workers and then we came home and took a little nap :)

When Graig got home he shoveled our driveway and then we went over to check on our neighbor's house.  They wanted Graig to SHOVEL their roof off because we got SO much snow.

Here are some pictures from today.

Our poor house covered with snow!

I love the trees covered in sparkling snow!
Graig and Brock in front of our neigbor's house

Graig and Brock walking down our street
Graig shoveling snow off the roof!

Brock and Ava will probably have another snow day tomorrow!  I am looking forward to it, I have a lot of things to do around the house!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Brock's poem

Brock is working on a poem for his English class. Here is his first draft; I thought it was so cute I wanted to share it on our blog.

I am a boy who likes to play sports and relax
I wonder what the future holds
I hear my dogs barking
I see my messy room
I want world peace
I am a boy who likes to play sports and relax

I like my Mom’s homemade pizza
I feel good
I touch a basketball
I worry that terrorist will attack our country
I cry that my bird and fish died
I am a boy who likes to play sports and relax

I understand how great my parents are
I say the Yankees will win another World Series
I dream that I will have a successful career
I try to improve my basketball skills
I hope I live a long time
I am a boy who likes to play sports and relax

Happy Tuesday!!  We are suppose to get a big snow storm tonight, Brock and Ava are hoping and  praying for a snow day tomorrow!!

Monday, February 22, 2010

A quick craft

Last weekend I painted the shelves in our office black so I decided to do a quick project to put on our freshly painted shelves.  I really like the way these plates turned out.  They were decorative plates that I already had I just printed a couple of vintage labels from the graphics fairy and modge podged them on to my plates.  I really like the way they turned out!

Here are some pictures of our shelves.  I painted them all black and got hammered nickel hardware for the cabinets.  I really like the way they turned out!  We still have to put the cabinet doors on the corner  upper and lower shelves.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Ava's class on TV!!

Yesterday morning Ava's class was on TV!  They were on The Daily Buzz morning news program on TV!  Ava's teacher Mrs. Andrews was interviewed by phone and they showed a lot of pictures of the kids while she was being interviewed.  Ava was SO excited to hear her teacher and see all of their  pictures on TV.  She has wanted to watch it over and over again! 
Here is a link to the youtube video of them on TV.  It is really cute!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Cute craft project!!

On Friday night I made this adorable wall hanging for Ava's room using a old window that I got for $3 at a yard sale last summer!  I LOVE making these windows they are so easy and it only took me about an hour start to finish.

Here is the finished project, I LOVE the way it turned out!!  Ava and I went to Michael's and she chose the  paint colors and the scrapbook paper

Here are some pictures during the process.  I left the glass in and modge podged the scrapbook paper over the glass. 

I painted polka dots on top and stripes on the sides. 

I used my Vera Bradley catalog to make a pattern for the scrapbook paper. 

Here is one that I made for our living room using the colors that we have in there.  I also want to make one using reds and blues for Brock's room. 

I can't wait to see what other projects people worked on this week!  Happy Tuesday!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Weekend wrap up!!

We had a houseful on Friday night because Brock and Ava each had 2 friends sleepover at our house. Brock and his friends went to play basketball and Ava and her friends stayed home with me and we watched my friend Robin's baby boy so she could go out to dinner for Valentine's Day. The girls LOVED watching him!

I also worked on a cute craft project for Ava's room that I am going to show you tomorrow.

Saturday I felt like a taxi cab driver taking Brock and Ava to all of their activities- ha ha! Saturday night Graig took Brock to his baseball lesson in Binghamton and I took Ava and her friend Marty to Friendly's for dinner (their favorite!) and then we went to watch The Princess and the Frog at the movie theatre on campus. It was a really sweet movie. Marty loved it and Ava (poor thing!) fell asleep about 1/2 way through the movie.

Sunday (Valentine's Day!) we opened our little Valentine's Day gifts and I took Ava and Marty to church. They wore outfits matching their American Girl Dolls. They were so cute! Graig helped me hang up a huge chalkboard that I bought at HomeGoods. I put it in our dining room, I LOVE it!!

Last night I took Brock and Ava to spend the night with Grandma Jan. They are out of school this week for their winter break! They are so happy. She is going to take them snow tubing today so they should have fun!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Snow Day!!

On Wednesday Brock and Ava had a snow day because we were supposed to get a big snow storm. The big snow storm never really happened but they enjoyed their day off from school! Ava went to work with me in the morning and she sold a TON of Easter candy for her school's fundraiser. She had a lot of fun walking to the different offices in my building asking people to buy candy.

After work I took Ava and her friend Avery sledding. The weather was perfect for sledding!! It wasn't too cold and they said out for about an hour. Brock wanted no part of the sledding so he went to play basketball at the Boys and Girls Club.

Tonight Ava and Brock are having some friends sleep over and Graig and I are going to watch our friend’s baby so they can go out for a Valentine's Day date.   So it should be a fun, relaxing evening at home for us, we are looking forward to it!!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Kindess is contagious!

Ava's class is doing a kindness project, they have a facebook group and they are trying to get people to commit to do one act of kindness.  Their goal is 1,000,000 acts of kindness!!  Please help her class reach their goal by going here to sign up to be a fan on their facebook page.   They already have SO many fans from many countries around the world!! 

Here is a note from her teacher Mrs. Andrews about the Kindness Project

Kindness is Contagious! My second graders are on a mission~to see how many people we can get to commit to one act of kindness! Become a fan, spread the word, our goal~ 1,000,000 fans for kindness.

Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Valentines Day decorations

I love decorating for the smaller holidays during the year.  After all the Christmas decorations are put away our house looks pretty bare until I get out our Valentines Day decorations in the middle of January.  This year I was a little bit delayed because of our kitchen painting project but I finally got them out and I put most of them in our dining room because we spend a lot of time in there and I LOVE looking at them!

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Two quick and easy projects

I have been looking for some new artwork for our house.  I have had the same pictures and wall hangings on our walls since we moved in five 1/2 years ago and I am starting to get sick of looking at the same old pictures.  So this past weekend I did a couple of little projects for our dining room.

I got these printables at  The Graphics Fairy they have SO many cute ones!  I modge podged them to a frame and a canvas that I already had.  I loved the way they turned out and they were simple and easy projects.

Happy Tuesday!!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Weekend update!!

We had a busy and fun weekend! Which is a good thing because now Brock and Ava are home sick today :( Poor things I think they both have sinus infections. I HATE when they are sick because they are so miserable and crabby. They are both sleeping now so I can catch up on blogging. I am taking them into the doctor this afternoon.

On Saturday Ava did a cheerleading clinic with our College cheerleaders. After the clinic she got to cheer at the men's basketball game at the college. She LOVED it, she went with her friend Marty and they had the best time.

Here are some pictures of Ava from the clinic.

On Sunday morning we got up super early to get to Applebee’s by 7:30 am!! Applebee’s generously hosted a pancake breakfast for Brock's baseball team. His baseball team is going to a baseball camp this summer in our town. It's a national camp and kids from all across the country come and play at the camp so we are doing lots of different fundraisers to help the kids raise money for their registration fees.

Here are some pictures of Brock's team mates at the breakfast.

Patrick and Ethan

After the breakfast we went to church to watch our friends Dan and Jenn's second son Henry Francis get baptized. He was so cute! Henry is Marty's baby brother. Baby Henry slept through his whole baptism.

Yesterday afternoon we went to a Super bowl party at our friends Dan and Stacie's. They invited all of our baseball friends over for the party. It was fun getting together with them! We spend A LOT of time together during baseball season and during the winter we don't really get together that much so it was fun to spend time together last night. I am SO happy the Saints won!!

Here are some pictures from last night.

Eric, Stacie, Marissa and Alyssa

Some of the kids at the party-Noah, Justin, Dalton, Alyssa and Ava
Ava and Eliza June

Alyssa (this girls loves to be in pictures-ha ha) with her parents Donna and Jim and Graig

Inez, Eliza, Sabrina and Mike

Eric, Shawn and Rich

Stacie, Janine, me and Brandon

I hope everyone had a great weekend!