Thursday, May 27, 2010

flowers, flowers, flowers

Yesterday after work I picked up  Ava from school and we stopped by a new gift shop in town to look for a wreath for our door.    I have been looking for a new wreath for the longest time and I am sad to say that we didn't find one :(  I did get some cute fake flowers and when we got home I made own my door decoration.  This is actually our side door since and the door everyone uses to come in to our house so I like to have something nice on this door.   

At the gift shop I found these adorable flowers.  They have a magnet on the back so they stick to anything metal.  I got 3 of them and put them on a few things around our kitchen!

I got this one too.  I put it on top of our stove.  So festive for summer!

I put the hydrangra that I showed yesterday on our back deck last night.  I put it in the front of our house which gets full sun ALL day long and last night the poor thing was dried out and wilting.  I put it in the back where it's shady and gave it some water.  This picture is from this morning it seems much happier on the deck!

Last week I took my interns out to dinner to celebrate the end of the semester.  They got me these beautiful flowers.  I love them!  I added the flag for Memorial Day!

Today was our end of school year picnic at work which is always fun!  I ate a ton of good food!  Tonight Ava and I are going to get a pedicure and then we are going to watch Brock's baseball game. 

Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

This and That

Last night I went to Home Depot to look for new cushions for our outside chairs.  I have it narrowed down to these two options.  I usually like lighter colors like the blue/green color combo but I also really like the bright coral/teal blue one.  I need to decide soon because I want these on our deck for the Memorial Day Weekend!
I bought this Pottery Barn bucket at a yard sale for $2!  I love it, the price tag from PB said $42!  I would never ever spend that much on a bucket.  I bought some vinyl lettering off etsy.  I am going to add a pretty plant to it and keep it outside on our deck this summer! 

I also finished painting my little table that I got for $20 at an antiques store.  I painted it SW Oyster Bay.  I LOVE the way it turned out!  I got the birdcage for $5 at the same antique sale.  I am going to get a fern plant to put in the birdcage.  I really like this plant but I don't think it looks right in there. 

Last night I also bought these 2 plants at Home Depot.  I can't wait to go home after work and plant them tonight!

We have a busy night tonight.  Brock and Graig are going to watch a Little League game  and I want to plant some flowers.  I hope Ava and I have a chance to run over to the mall.  I need to pick up a few summer tops, it's SO hot here-90 degrees!!

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Fun Festival!

Last weekend Ava, Grandma Jan and I went to a fun festival in Cooperstown.  Brock and two of his friends went too but they wanted to play basketball at Grandma Jan's so they stayed at her house and played while we went to the festival for a little while. 

One highlight of the day for Ava was to go on the horse and carriage ride.  She loved it SO much!

Ava with Grandma Jan on the carriage ride

Ava and me!
Ava and Grandma Jan after our ride
Another highlight for Ava was getting this sweatshirt and shorts screen printed.  We went to this store where they had a lot of iron ons that you could put on shirts.  Ava LOVED this one and had to have it!  Luckily she had some First Communion money from PaPa Bob and she used some of that to buy this outfit!

Ava also wanted me to take a picture of her doing her back walk over.  She finally got it and now she does them ALL the time!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

garage sale finds!

Yesterday I found some GREAT things at yard sales in our town.  This is the very beginning of yard sale season and I am so excited!  I love going and finding treasures!  Ava and I left our house at 7:45 am

My absolute favorite item of the day was this little table.  I am going to paint it and it's going to go in a corner in our living room.  I was so excited about this that I already went out and got the paint.  I am going robin's egg blue on the bottom and an off white for the top.  (Sorry these pictures aren't the greatest,  I took them with my iphone.

I have been looking for a birdcage forever.  I really like this one it's yellow. I cleaned it up last night and I am going to put a plant in it. 

Pretty bowls, you can never have too many!   These were only 1.25 each!  I am not sure what I will do with them but I do love them!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Craft Night!

Saturday night my friend Sabrina and I got together and had a little craft night.  We spent the morning going to yard sales which weren't that great.  We did go to a junk store that Sabrina loves and we found some really cute things!  I got some new white dishes and some wooden boxes.  We also went to Home Depot to get some Martha Stewart paint samples to paint our boxes. 

Mine was an odd shape so I didn't  know what to do with it, Sabrina suggested I add a candle and some sea shells and I did and I LOVE the way it turned out.  We have it on our dining room table and I am going to keep it there all summer.   

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mothers Day 2010

This Mother's Day was bittersweet because it was the first Mother's Day since my Mom's death.  I think about her every day so I wasn't sure how I would feel celebrating Mother's Day without her.  Since we live in NY and my Mom lived in IL we didn't usually see each other on Mother's Day but I always talked to her bright and early (I wanted to beat my sister Shelby by calling her super early-ha ha) and sent her a package or flowers. 

This Mother's Day we went out to breakfast with our friends Sabrina and Shawn and their daughter Eliza.  When we got home we relaxed and then we went to my mother-in-laws for dinner to celebrate with her.  It was a fun day!  I am glad that we got to spend the day with people we care about and love.

Every Sunday I read postsecret.  It's a website where people's send in their secrets on postcards.  I have never sent in my own secret but I love reading them.  I have no idea who wrote this one but it really spoke to me.  I can really relate to her and where she is coming from.  I wanted to put this on my blog so I could look back at it and reread it.    I feel like I have to be strong for Brock and Ava, Graig and my sister Shelby.  I want to honor my Mom by being the best Mom that I can and living my life to the fullest!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


After a busy First Comunion Day we were able to relax and have a little party with our friends, family and kids.   We had the party at my friend Chris's house.  They live in a beautiful log home in the country so we had lots of room.  It was a beautiful, hot day so we hung out on their deck the most of the time.

Graig, me, Brock Grandma Jan and Ava

Ava's pink and green Communion cake!

Jake, Ava, Grandma Jan and Jake's little sister Maggie.

Jake, Ava and Eliza.  I LOVE this picture of them. 

Eliza telling us her hands were dirty after eating her cake.  Eliza's parents  and our friends Sabrina and Shawn were at the party too, I'm not sure why we didn't get any pictures of them. 

Jake's Mom Chris and her friend Irene. 

Jake's Grandpa. 

Ava with Eliza

It was a great party and it was the perfect ending to a long day! It was really easy for us we just made some side dishes and appetizers and we ordered barbeque, baked potatoes and cole slaw from Brooks. Jake had a chocolate cake and Ava had a white cake so that was our dessert.   

Monday, May 3, 2010

First Communion Friends

As promised here are some pictures with her friends on her first Communion Day.  We are  blessed that she had so many of her friends share this special day with her!  There were about 25 kids that made their first Communion with Ava.  It was so sweet to see them all dressed up for their big day!

Ava with her friend Maria, they have been friends since they were born!  They went to daycare and pre-school together.  They also took ballet together for two years.  They go to different schools now but I know they will always be close. 

Ava with her friend Meagann.  I LOVE this girl! They are like two peas in a pod when they are together.  This is one of my favorites from the first Communion. 

Ava with her friend Jake.  They have been friends since birth!  I work with Jake's Mom and they were born one month apart.  I am saving this picture for their wedding slideshow-ha ha!

Ava with her Grandma Jan, this is such a sweet picture of them.  I am so thankful that she was there and was able to be part of Ava's special day. 

Ava and me!

Papa Larry, Shirley and Ava

Ava with our neigbors Mickaela and Anika.  These girls are the sweetest things!  Ava is always and their house or the girls are always at our house.  They love playing together.  These pictures of them are so sweet!

All the children that made their first communion with Father Joe.  This isn't the greatest picture but I'm glad we at least got one of the group.  All of the parents, grandparents, etc were trying to take pictures that's why all the kids are looking all over the place.   Ava is in the way back so you can't see her. 

Next time I will show you pictures from our First Communion Party!    We did this party with Jake's family at their house.  I am so glad that we were able to have the party at their house because Graig and Brock were down at the Little League field ALL day!  We got barbeque from Brook's so we didn't have to cook much just some sides and appetizers. 

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Holy Communion and Baseball!

Today at church we celebrated Ava's first communion!  There were about 25 kids that made their firstmCommunion today at church. It was so sweet, the kids did a great job and it was a beautiful service.  I LOVED the dress that Ava picked, I thought it was so cute!    She wore a flower in her hair with her veil. 
Here are some pictures from first communion morning before we left for the church.    Tomorrow I will post some more pictures from the church and the pictures that we took of her friends and from her first Communion party. 

In other exciting Eichler family news Brock started Little League today!!  His team won and Brock hit a home run over the fence!  
