Thursday, December 31, 2015

2015 memories

I've been the worst blogger this year!  It's been a busy and exciting time for our family and it's been a great year.  Unfortunately, blogging has not been high on my priority list this year.  I want to get back into it and in 2016 I'll blog more for now here's a quick look back at our 2015

January-I traveled to Disney to spend a week with my Dad and sister.  We had a blast! 

February-Brock's senior year basketball season came to an end :-( 

March-we celebrated Ava's 13 birthday! Here is Ava with her BFF Avery.

April-I went to my first ever cooking class with my friend Jenn and her daughter Ashley. We had a blast and learned to make homemade pasta!

May-Brock played a lot of baseball this month with his high school baseball team. I always love watching him play!

June-Brock went to Prom and graduated high school!  This was a huge month for him!

July-this was a fun summer month filled with friends and loads of fun!  I went on a weekend wine tour and I went to a Hospice fundraiser concert in our town. Fun, fun, fun!

August-Brock started college at SUNY Brockport and I got super busy at work because  our students came back. Here's a picture from Brock's move in day and a picture of my students at our welcome back pool party in the quad.  

September-Ava started eighth grade!  We had fun times with friends and I went to a conference at Mohonk spa for work it was beautiful! 

October-Brock visited home for the first time since leaving for College, and i helped with the Pit Run again this year.  

November-Ava started her basketball season!  Basketball is her favorite sport and we love watching her play. We also celebrated Thanksgiving at Turning Stone which is always fun! 

December- December is always a busy month and it's my favorite month of the year!  We celebrated by going to lots of Christmas parties, going to NYC to see the Rockettes with my best gal pal Sabrina  and we hosted Ava's annual cookie party.  

That's a wrap for us for 2015!  We have lots of fun things planned for 2016-a Disney trip, my 40th birthday (yikes!), a girls  spring break trip to Florida, two fun summer concerts, and  a summer trip to the beach.

I hope your New Years is filled with fun, family and friends!