Sunday, November 30, 2008

Christmas Cards and Cake

This afternoon my friend Abby came over to do our family picture for our Christmas Cards. She is such a great photographer! (Thank you Abby!) I think the pictures turned out great! I ordered them tonight from Shutterfly, I can't wait to get them back to send them out. Sending and getting Christmas cards are my favorite part of this season!

Here is one of the pictures that Abby took of us this afternoon.

We had our friends Dan and Jenn over tonight for pizza. Brock made his first cake for our dessert. It turned out really good!
For our family Christmas pictures I let Brock and Ava choose whatever they wanted to wear. Ava wore the new Christmas dress she got yesterday when we went shopping. Her dress also came with a dress for her doll, how cute!!
Here's a picture of Marty (Dan and Jenn's daughter) with Ava, they have so much fun playing together.
I got our dog Daisy a jacket to wear when we go on walks. I found this one at Old Navy for only $8.50! I wanted to get a cute picture of her with her jacket on, I took about 20 and this was the best one.

I love this one of her with her eyes closed. Poor thing, I don't think she liked the flash.


  1. Please take more of Cotton. You know he's my favorite.

    And cute family picture!

  2. I love the dog pictures! How cute! The family picture is nice, too.

  3. Daisy looks so cute!! I'm one of your cookie swap partners! Be ready to hide some sweets from her! :-)


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