Saturday, April 23, 2016

Life lately

This has been the loonnnggeeeesssst week ever.  Work has been busy and it's been busy at home.  I am SO looking forward to this weekend! I have lots of fun things planned this weekend so I'm thrilled it's Fri-yay!!!

This morning started at 1:30am for us.  We had to get Ava up for her 8th grade trip to the Grand Canyon. 

This was here eating her breakfast.  She is NOT a morning person.

Luckily she was happier a few hours later and she sent us this picture from the plane.

Sunday my friend Danielle invited us to her daughters third birthday party.  She had did a Star Wars theme.  It was so cute!

My friends and I with the birthday girl. 

Ava went with me to the party and she had a ball hanging out with her friend Angelica.

On Wednesdsy we celebrated my friend Teri's birthday.  We had Italian food it was amazing!  Thankfully I brought my selfie stick so we could take a group pic :-) 

My friend Lynn has been posting the cutest pictures of our girls when they were young. I love the picture of Ava in her cow costume. And LOL about the band aid on her forehead.  

My friend Rachael and I finally ordered business cards and made s Facebook and Instagram for our new craft class business.  We are so excited to get started with this project!

I hope you had a great week!

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