I have been the worst blogger lately! I am going to do a post soon of our pictures from Thanksgiving to Christmas just so I can remember what we did.
One of my New Year's Resolutions is to be a more frequent blogger. Our days are just SOOOO busy that blogging is usually at the bottom of my to-do list.
We had a very relaxing Christmas break. We spent the first few days with my sister and her family and my Dad in Ohio. My sister wrote three posts about our trip on her blog. so you can go there to see pictures of our fun trip.
Since I have done nothing but relax over the break yesterday I had to get in gear. I spent 12 hours cleaning and organizing our house. I took down all of our Christmas decorations, I also organized our basement (a task that I have been dreading for months!) and took loads and loads of stuff to the Salvation Army.
Clemsongirl does these fabulous breakfast tables for her kids for special days (back to school, Halloween, etc) and I thought it would be fun to try one. Plus it was SO easy finding stuff in my newly organized basement.
I made Brock and Ava french toast this morning to celebrate the first school/work day of the year. They really enjoyed a hot breakfast (usually they just have cereal or bagels) and I really enjoyed our pretty table :) I am also going to use this tomorrow at my Chloe and Isabel party. My friend Sabrina just started selling their amazing jewelry!

Here is a close up of the subway printable. I found it on pinterest but I don't remember what blog it's from.
I also updated our hutch using all white milkglass and dishes. I like the simplicity of white after all the colors of Christmas.
Your table looks beautiful. We are praying for Heidi and her family--what a terrible loss.
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