Sunday, September 8, 2013

Catch Up!!

This summer I was determined for us to get the most fun out of each and every day.  I accomplished that goal because we had a great summer!  It was so fun that I forgot to do any posts in August-oops!

I really need to get better at blogging regularly!  Here are some pictures of our summer fun!

During the first week of August we went to Maine for a little vaca.  We had a great time but the water was FREEZING!!  It was beautiful but next summer I think we will head a little further south for warmer weather. 

Brock turned 16 on our trip and as soon as we got home we went straight to the DMV so he could get his drivers permit.  In NY you have to wait until your are 16 1/2 to get your license so Brock has been practicing and is patiently waiting until February when he can get his license. 

They are so thrilled when I take their picture-ha ha!

 As usual went to a ton of baseball games this summer.  Brock pitched at Doubleday field in Cooperstown in July.  I love this picture I got of him with my iphone.

Brock also started taking flying lessons.  He has wanted to do this for SO long and I am so proud of him but I am terrified at the same time.  I am such a nervous flyer and Brock as always loved flying and being on airplanes.  

This is Brock making his first ever landing-and yes that is a grass runway!

Last weekend my friends and

I have been going to a lot of yard sales with friends this summer.  A few weeks ago we had a spray paint party to paint all of the stuff that we had purchased.  

Our yard is full of pretty flowers and I have been making a ton of flower arrangements this summer
Graig and Brock went to a Yankee game last weekend.  Sadly the Yankees lost :(

My friends and I did a beverage tour last weekend and we visited all 6 breweries in our county.  

Brock and Ava started school last Thursday and I'll be back tomorrow with pictures from their first day!


Lisa Odom said...

Love the idea of the paint party!!!! I need to start treasure hunting!