Saturday, October 19, 2013

Water and sleep

These things, water and sleep, are two very important things in any diet and excercise program.  Yet so many people (including myself!) don't get enough.  Water is crucial when you work out.  This morning I went for a run and my friend who was running with me got a painful leg cramp.  She said she knew she was dehydrated.  She said she always gets them if she doesn't drink enough water before running. 

Here are some reasons water is so important to workouts:

1-water acts as a lubricant for your joints and muscles it also helps flush toxins out of your body.  
2-water transports oxygen and glucose through your body
3-our bodies are 60% water and water is crucial in bodily functions including digestion, circulation and the transport of nutrients.  
4-water keeps you full when are trying to lose weight
5-water also keeps your skin looking great

You should drink 6-8 glasses of water per day. I'm pretty good about drinking enough water but if I don't I really notice that I'm sluggish and tired.  You should drink a glass of water before working out and then 2-3 ounces for every 15 minutes of activity.  If it's hot or humid out when your exercising you should drink 4-5 ounces.   This is gross and tmi but your urine should be very light yellow if it's dark yellow then you aren't drinking enough water.

Getting enough rest is crucial to a good workout.  Sleep helps repair and restore your muscles it also helps you commit things you learned during the day to your memory, and it helps your body fight disease.  If you aren't getting enough sleep you need to make getting 7-8 hours a night a priority.  
When you're working out your body needs time to rest and rejuvenate so you can get the full benefit of your workout.  

Friday, October 18, 2013

5 on Friday!

Today I'm linking up to the 5 on Friday series. Like usual this week has been busy and fun.  I got a little break at work because the college students were home for fall break-yay! 

1-Last weekend Ava and I took a girls weekend trip with my friend Sabrina and her daughter.  We had a weekend of shopping, eating, and hiking in Western NY

2-This week I put finally finished this little stool.  I recovered it with fabric from my friend's fabric store.  I adore this fabric and have used it all over our downstairs.  It has so many bright, fun colors.  I just love it!

3-Monday evening I went to my first ever garden club meeting with two of my friends.  I have wanted to join for several years and this year we decided to do it.  Our lesson was on the Dahlia flower which I love.  I learned a lot and I can't wait to go back next week!

4-I posted this picture on Pinterest last week and it's gotten over 100 repins so I thought I'd share it here.

5- I'm sooooo happy it's Friday!!!  Can't wait to enjoy the weekend!

31 days to fitness schedule

I have been seriously slacking in my 31 days to fitness series!  I created a schedule so you can know what to expect from me for this series during the last 1/2 of October.  I have some exciting things to share and I'm happy that I have a schedule to follow which will make posting every day easier for me.  I can't wait to get started writing these posts!

October 19-The importance of water and sleep
October 20-Workout clothes
October 21-Workout shoes
October 22-Online resources
October 23-Couch to 5k program
October 24-Being motivated to run (when you hate it!)
October 25-Choosing your first 5k
October 26-Workout friends/workout group
October 27-Maximum Heart Rate
October 28-Base Training
October 29-Working out at Home
October 30-Kettle bells
October 31-Keeping your motivation to workout!

Happy Friday and I will see you back here tomorrow for tips on water and sleep!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Everybody's workin' for the weekend!

Have a great holiday weekend!  I'll be back on Monday with my next installment of my 31 days of working out series.  See you then!!  Xoxo Angie

Friday, October 11, 2013

Being organized for your workouts

I think being organized is the key to a good workout. If I  have everything laid out and ready to go I  am more likely to actually work out.  The days I'm unmotivated to work out are the days when I can't find my excercise gear and I feel like it's easier to stay home.  It takes a little time to prepare the night before but it is SO worth it!  

Here are some tips for packing the perfect gym bag

-your tennis shoes
-ponytail holders, hat or headband 
-headphones, iPod
-workout clothes (don't forget your sports bra!)
-water bottle
-towel (if not supplied by your gym)
-gym membership card
-yoga mat,weights, etc.  anything that you need for a workout class 
-magazine/book for elliptical
-inhaler (I use one in the cold weather)

It's also important to have your things laid out for after your workout.  These are some pics from Wed morning.  Wednesdays is a double workout day for me and it's the one day I get ready for work at my gym.  I put my outfit (including jewelry!) on a hanger so it's easy to take to the gym.   I also had to pack my make up bag and blow dryer.  I did all of this the night before so I ready to go to the gym bright and early.  

Another great organizing tip is putting your shoes in the same place after each workout.  Mine go in a big tin basket by our front door.  I would hate to search around for my shoes while trying to get put the front door.   Another tip is to make sure you have your water chilled and ready to go.  I always keep a few water bottles in our fridge for all of us.  It makes grabbing them on the go so easy!
What's your favorite excercise organization tip?

Coming up tomorrow-drinking your water!!

5 on Friday!

Today I'm linking up again for the 5 on Friday party!  I am SOOOO happy we have a 3 day weekend!   We have lots of fun stuff planned for the weekend

1) Tonight I'm going to help my friend Sara set up for her sweet baby boy's 1st birthday party.  She is doing a fall theme for his party and I think it will be adorable.  Here is a picture of Lachlan the birthday boy.

2)  This weekend I am headed for a weekend of shopping, crafting, hiking and eating with my friend Sabrina and our girls.  We are going to stay at Sabrina's sister's house and I can't wait.

3)  I love, love, love the way I decorated our hutch for Halloween.  I think it turned out super cute.  I just painted it white and I didn't love it with all of my milkglass collection but I love it know because the fall colors pop against the white.

4)  My new gold iphone finally arrived yesterday afternoon-whooooo hoooooo!!  I am so glad because my old iphone has been completely dead for two weeks  and I  have been lugging my ipad around with me everywhere :(.

5)  I love American Horror Story and I am SO glad it's back for a third season.  I stayed up waaaaay too late on Wednesday night watching the premier.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Deciding when to workout

Thanks for your kind words about my friend Michelle.  It's been an emotionally exhausting week and I'm thankful for the support and love of my family, friends and co-workers.  Her death has touched everyone in our community and I still can't believe that she is gone.

I'm going to pick up my 31 days series today.  I've missed writing these posts and I'm happy to be back writing about something that I love.

Today I'm going to talk about WHEN you should work out.  This is a tough decision for a lot of women, especially moms, because we our lives are SO full and busy and we are all going pretty much non-stop.

I'm going to talk about 5 popular times of day to work out and I want you to tell me which one is best for your schedule?

After dinner/after kids are in bed-this is a popular time to work out because your responsibilities and commitments are done for the day and you have time to fit in your workout.

Late afternoon before dinner-I know a lot of people like to work out right after work before they even get home.  My friend at work goes straight to the gym without going home first for her this is the best time to work out because it fits with her lifestyle and schedule.  She gets her workout done and then goes home to eat dinner and relax.

Lunch time-Many people like to squeeze in lunch time workouts.  I go to my gym  one time per week on my lunch hour to do a class that I love.   My gym is packed then.  A lot of people like this option because you don't have to wake up early and you can go straight home after work.

After kids are in school in the morning-I have stay at home mom friends who LOVE working out at 9ish after their kids are in school.  They don't have to get up early and they can get their workout in early in the day.

Early morning-This is my personal favorite time to work out.  I get up before anyone else is up in my family and head out the door.  I am home about 7am to say good-bye to Brock and Ava before Graig takes them to school and then I can shower and get ready for work.

Tell me what is your favorite time of day to work out?

Coming up tomorrow-being organized will help you work out more

Friday, October 4, 2013


I have an outline for most of my posts this month.  I was just about to sit and write my post for Wednesday when I got the awful news Tuesday evening that my friend Michelle lost her battle with cancer. Michelle was 43 and was diagnosed with esophageal cancer in late January.  I have known her for 14 years.  When we first moved to NY we worked together at the College.  She quit working after she had her first baby and we lost touch until last year when she joined the running group that I'm in.  We would run together Tuesday and Thursday mornings.  She was a fast runner and a fierce competitor.  We would do hill repeats once a week and I would bust my butt to try to beat her up the hill and she would do the same trying to beat me. We ran a 5k together on New Year's Eve.  The race was in the middle of the day and it was cold and I was miserable.  Michelle stayed with me and we ran the entire race together.   She said that she didn't want to leave a friend behind.  We crossed the finish line at the same time  and I'm so thankful she stayed with me.  I don't think I would have finished that race without her.  We ran a few times in January and and then she got diagnosed and had to stop running. 

My friend Michelle 

These past few months have been SO hard on her and her family.  She was a fighter and she battled her cancer until the end with grace and dignity.   We had lunch a few weeks ago with some friends and I'm thankful I got to see her and visit with her.  Of course none of us knew that it would be our last time together with her.  Life is a gift and we never know how much time we have left.  Michelle lived her life to the fullest and to honor her legacy I will do the same.  

This is a picture of our running group (and kids!) from a race that exactly one year ago.  Michelle is in the right hand corner in the black under armour hat.  I'm #81.