Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Ta Da!

Tonight I have been busy, busy, busy trying to get stuff done around the house.  I planted  a little garden (and by little I mean teeny tiny) I only have about 6 or 7 little plants.  Ava helped me with the planting.  We planted 2 kinds of tomatos, strawberries, jalepeno pepper, a giant cabbage (that Ava got at school), basil  and  peas.  I think it will be fun to watch our garden grow this summer! 

Ava has some art (along with every other kid in our town) at an art show in our town's medical building.  Tonight was the gallery opening so we went to see her art.  Here is a pictucture of her drawing. I am going to get this framed, I think this will look so cute hung up in her room when the art show is over. 

A few weeks ago I went to a junk, antique store with my friends Sara and Allison.  We really should take pictures the next time we go because this store has everything-old doors, tools, windows, antiques, dishes, glasses, baskets, etc, etc, etc.  I always find something great every time we go.  I hit the jackpot when we went last time because I found a push cart bar!    I have ALWAYS wanted a bar in my house.  I have no idea why because  Graig and I don't hardly ever drink.  Janice, my MIL, has had some sort of bar in her house ever since I have known her and I have always loved her different bars so I think maybe that's why I like them so much. 

This one only cost me $8.25.  I took it home and spray painted it and  put it in our sun room.  I love the way it turned out!

I got these bottles at the same store.  They were only $1 each!
 The little bucket I got at the Dollar General and I got the little bowl at Anthropologie. 

The bottom shelf holds all of our glass ware. 

Now I need to plan a party so I can use our new bar! 

Ava and I facetimed this little cutie and my sister Shelby tonight.  I love that we are able to talk that way!
Ainsley is the spitting image of my sister.  I can't wait to see her this summer!

I need to get to bed I am meeting my friend Sabrina at 6am for another Couch to 5 K run!


Janna said...

I love Ava's artwork. You should definitely frame it! Your bar is so cute and a great deal.

AG said...

love the bar!! It turned out way better than I thought!