Here are some pics from our busy weekend! Sabrina and I got together for an upcoming craft show. We went to Lowe's and got a 2x4 and had them cut the wood in 2, 4, 6 and 8 inch pieces. Then we came home and painted the wood blocks in fun spring colors and added vinyl. These signs always seem to sell well at craft shows! Here is the one that I made.

Our varsity high school basketball team had a sectional game at home on Friday night. It was an exciting game! We won by 2 points. After the game we took Brock and some friends to Wendy's. Of course they wanted to sit by themselves so I really embarrassed him and snapped this pic.

Brock also got his braces off on Monday! Finally! Poor Brock has been wearing a retainer, head gear and braces since 4th grade! I will have to take some good pictures of him with his new straight teeth!
Ava was sick today so I stayed home with her today. Thankfully she is feeling better now! Tomorrow we are getting a big snow/ice storm so I went out tonight and stocked up at Wal-Mart in case we get snowed in tomorrow. Happy Tuesday!
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