I'll give you a quick recap of our New Year's weekend.
Friday Sabrina and Eliza came over and we exchanged Chistmas gifts and ate lunch together. After lunch we decided to go to the mall. I'm sorry I don't have any pictures of this festive occasion but Sabrina and I were both looking rough so we decided not to take any pictures but it was a fun day!
Friday night Allison and I went to Sabrina's for a craft night. We actually finished a craft! Usually we just talk and eat and the crafts don't get finished-ha ha
Sabrina and I made Valentine's Day blocks and Allison made Syracuse blocks. I think they turned out really cute and they were so easy to make!
While we were there Allison gave Eliza and Ava mani/pedi's. Here is a look at Ava's mani/pedi she has OPI Lincoln Park After Dark on with silver sparkles on top.
Saturday morning Allison and I met for breakfast and to get pedi's. Here's a pic of us waiting at the salon. The wait was SO long that I had to leave but Allison got a pedi. I am going back early tomorrow morning so I hope it's not crowded!

Saturday afternoon Ava and I ran a 5k. It was Ava's first race! She kept telling me all morning that she was going to sprint the whole way and win the race-ha ha! It was a fun, laid back race and I didn't have any anxiety or stress about it! I think because I signed up to do it last minute and I didn't put any pressure on myself to run the whole thing or get a certain time. I ran it in 36 minutes and Ava finished in 35.
Here we are before the race.
These are my friends that ran the race. My neighbor and friend Heidi in white ran her first ever 5k! Melany, Sara, Jenni, and Faith are hard core runners. I call them my fast friends. They are amazing runners. I hugged them at the starting line and met up with them for ice tea and coffee after the race.
Here is Heidi, me, Ava, Anika (Ava's BFF) and Mickaela before the race. I love this picture of us!
I didn't take one picture on NYE. I met Allison for a NYE drink, we watched a parade, Ava danced at First Night, we ate pizza and wings, and we met some of our friends at the Hampton Inn for swimming and fun. We were exhausted after our busy day so we came home at 11pm and rang the new year in at home.
I hope you had a great New Year's! I am looking forward to 2012
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