Saturday, April 16, 2016

Life lately

On Tuesday Ava went to my swim class.  She texted me this snap chat to Brock-ha ha!  She did have fun when she got there AND my swim ladies loved her.  I'm glad she went!

On Thursday we celebrated my friend Sarah's 29th birthday.  Yes-she's a baby!  We met her at the Y and she's a doll.  She's from Indiana and went to Purdue she moved to NY for work. We love our Sarah!

Amy brought delicious cupcakes

Thursday night Ava and I went to a spaghetti dinner fundraiser with our friends Lisa, Chloe and Ava.

Friday Anne and Gary's goats had twins. Anne sent me this pic!  I can't wait to meet them :-)

Today Ava had basketball all day.  It's always fun watching her play! 
Her friend Laine is in a child development class and she has a "baby" all weekend.  Here is the baby with us on the way to the games. Poor Laine was tired the baby woke her up 6 times last night!

Those are some pictures of our life lately.


Michelle said...

Cute--I love seeing the pictures of Ava and her friends! You all have had a fun and full week!Love, Shelby