I ordered the cutest sign on Etsy last week! The lady that made it sent me this picture today and she is going to put it in the mail tomorrow. Anyone who knows me will say that I will put our last name on anything and everything. I love personalized things! This sign has all of our names so it will be extra special! I can't wait to get it and hang it up.
16 hours ago
Cute sign! I'm concerned that it doesn't say "Welcome" though.
Also, I was thinking we should do an ornament exchange here in real life. What do you think?
The sign is sooooo cute. can't wait to see it in person and copy it for- it looks to hard for me to do though. Congrats on your award-you are such a good blogger. Its nice to have you chronical my life as well.
Hey blackie - you have way too much time on your hands or you must be a state employee!!!!
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