The winner of my first ever blog giveaway is.....Catholic Runner! Congrats!! I will mail your Vera Bradley purse and wallet out on Tuesday!! I had so much fun doing this giveaway and I am going to do another one next month for Thanksgiving so stay tuned!!!
After we did a little shopping we went to lunch and Ava made her own pizza!
After lunch we went to see High School Musical 3, doesn't Brock look thrilled?
Saturday was another busy day. Tailgating is not big at all at the College where I work because we don't have a football team. Anyway, my intern this semester, Michaela, wanted to plan a tailgate before our school's biggest soccer game of the year! She did such a great job and everyone had such a great time, we are going to do another one next semester before a Lacrosse game. My camera died (it was awful!!) and I only got one picture. Michaela and her sorority sisters made a whole bunch of cute signs for the tailgate, here is one of the signs they made.
Here's Ava making a pumpkin at the Kidney Walk
My student worker Diana (in the glasses) with her twin sister Christina. Diana and Christina did so much work for the Kidney Walk. Ava loves hanging out with Diana when she comes to my office.
Brock and Ava with our neighbors at Trick or Treating!
Tonight we met Grandma Jan at Pizza Hut for dinner. We had a great time and ate way to much pizza. Graig comes home on Thursday (Thank goodness!!)
All the costumes were so cute!
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