My friend Sabrina told me how easy Shutterfly was to use. I never really knew you could do such cool things. Anyway, this weekend when I was sick as a dog laying on the couch, I played around with Shutterfly. I made a picture collage for Brock and Ava's bedrooms (I ordered an extra one of each for Grandma Jan, she will love these!) and I also started working on our Christmas card. Here are the links
Ava's collage
Ava's collage

Brock's collage

Our Christmas Card ( The big space is going to be our family picture and the two smaller spaces will be a picture of Brock and Ava) Sorry this is so small, but you can get the idea.

It was a lot of fun working on these projects! There are so many things that you can do on that website!
I can't open the links. I'm sure they are adorable.
you have to sign in to open the links... I used to have a Shutterfly account, but can't remember the password, so I too couldn't see the links. You can make really cute stuff there, though. I'm sure yours are adorable :)
I've been hearing a lot about Shutterfly, I think I will have to check it out, especially if it's easy to use!
I will have to check it out. Thanks for the great ideas :)
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