Graig's younger brother Garth is visiting for two weeks! The kids are so excited to hang out with him because he lives in Colorado and doesn't get to come home very often. He and his wife, Jill, live and work on a ranch! Tonight Garth and my father-in-law Larry came over for dinner, we had spaghetti and garlic bread. While I was cooking dinner the kids and Garth were in the backyard playing baseball. Garth loves playing with Brock and Ava so they had a great time playing together.
Ava showed Garth how she could jump rope on our deck.
Our sweet dog Cotton
Garth, their Dad, Graig, and Ava
Garth, Larry, and Graig
Garth, Larry, and Graig
Aw, that's sweet. :)
Looks like a great time! I do miss having my family close by.
The men in your family look SO much alike! Wow
So sweet!
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