Friday was Ava's birthday so we had a busy weekend celebrating her birthday! Friday, March 19 was her actual birthday, and she and Brock had a day off from school so we spent the day together which was fun!
We actually spent about 2 hours test driving cars because I desperately need a new car my almost 11 year old car that has 158,000 miles on it is about to bite the dust! I took Ava and our 2 sweet neighbor girls with me on the test drives because I always have at least 1 or 2 extra kids with me! I would drive the cars and drive them up to Graig at work so he could see them too. After much discussion, online research and debate we have settled on getting the Kia Optima which is a mid size car. It has a ton of features and Graig and I are going to pick it up tomorrow morning. We are getting the midnight blue (which is a navy color).

Friday night we had a small birthday celebration for Ava at our house with our neighbors. We had pizza and ice cream cake. Ava got to open her present from us which was the Lanie American Girl Doll. She was so happy because that is what she REALLY wanted for her birthday!
Saturday morning we got up really early and got ready for Ava's gymnastics meet. I didn't get to take any pictures during the meet because I was tallying the scores. At the meet each parent has a job to do to make sure the meet goes smoothly. I love doing the score keeping because I get a front row seat for all of the events! Ava got 4th all around and she got 1st place in beam! We were so proud of her!!
Saturday afternoon Ava had her birthday party with her friends. She had about 15 kids over to our house for her birthday party. Thankfully it was a beautiful day so they spent a lot of time outside! We also had an Easter Egg hunt and colored Easter Eggs. Here are a couple of pictures from the party.
Ava's pink ballerina cake
My two interns came to the party, Sami and Amanda. Ava loves them both!
Here's a picture of the whole gang!
Today we just went to church this morning and then got some things done around the house. I also made some dinners and froze them so they would be ready for us this week and next week. We have a busy week ahead because Brock is in a basketball tournament this week and Graig is one of the referees so Ava and I are going to be watching a lot of basketball this week!
Looks like the party was a lot of fun!! Congrats on the new car!! That is exciting!
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