I love Barack Obama, I hope that he's going to be the next President of the United States! I have been watching the democratic national convention all week and I am so excited for tonight to hear Barack's acceptance speech
“I'm in this race for the same reason that I fought for jobs for the jobless and hope for the hopeless on the streets of Chicago; for the same reason I fought for justice and equality as a civil rights lawyer; for the same reason that I fought for Illinois families for over a decade… That's why I'm running, Democrats — to keep the American Dream alive for those who still hunger for opportunity, who still thirst for equality.”
— Barack Obama, Speech in Des Moines, IA, November 10, 2007
Here are some things that I love about Obama...
1. He's using the Internet and facebook to reach out to younger voters.
2. He's a Senator from Illinois my home state
3. His wife Michelle is so talented and well spoken. I loved her speech on Monday night. She and Barack come from working class backgrounds and she spoke about how they were raised, and the values that their parents instilled in them. She also talked about how they met and how she wouldn't go out with him at first. Then he asked her out for ice cream and what girl can resist ice cream, so she said yes and the rest is history.
4. He wants to end the war in Iraq quickly and responsibly and bring our troops home safely.
5. He supports a living wage for all people.
6. He wants to expand early childhood education for all children and he wants to expand the Head Start program (a national pre-school program for low income families~my first job after college was working for Head Start, it's a great program but now it's VERY underfunded)
7. He wants to make college education more affordable for students and families.
8. He wants to expand universal health care to insure more Americans.
9. He is a great dad to his two adorable daughters, Malia and Sasha
10. He will bring hope and dignity back to the White House.