Thursday, August 11, 2011

Changing and Rearranging!

This month I have decided to TRY not to buy anything new for our house.  This is going to be really challenging for me because I love to shop and buy new things.  We just have SO much stuff  and  I am trying really hard to organize our basement, attic and closets and drawers.  So I need to take a little break from buying things and really concentrate on organizing what we already have. 

At the beginning of the summer I stenciled the area above our fireplace.  I liked it OK but I didn't love it so I knew I would change it.  I painted it halcyon green the same color that's in our dining room. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this color in our dining room. 

I also added the same color to the backs of our shelves in our living room

Here is the same color above our fireplace. I'm not sure if I like it or not.  I would like to add another stencil and I have looked a little online but I haven't found anything that I love yet. 

This beauty was hanging by our side entrance (the door that everyone comes in!) and I thought it was too big so I moved it to our dining room.  My friend Sabrina and I made these shutters a few summers ago.  I still love it!

This is our office.  Actually Graig uses this office more than I do especially since I made my own little office space in the living room.  I re-did that patchwork picture a few years ago using scrapbook paper and modge podge. 

I found these large frames for $5 so Sabrina and I spray painted them and I added wire to the back of mine so I could clip things on it.  I think this looks best hanging in G's office.  That way we can clip up notes, pictures, etc.  I am SO happy because I was going to buy something to go in this space but I think this fits really well!

Here's a closeup!

This is our side door and the way most people enter our home.  I did have the shutter hanging in this space but I think it's too big for this area.  I had this magnetic board hanging in the office but I moved it out here.  I actually have two of them so I am going to hang another one below this one.  I am going to use one for B and one for A to organize all of their school paperwork. 

I think re-decorating my home this way will be fun.  I'm thinking of other stuff I could move around.  I will let you know how my month long hiatus from not buying anything home related  I know  G will be happy because I'm not spending any money-ha ha!