Monday, January 1, 2018

18 for 2018

I love Gretchen Rubin.  She is an author and has written a few books on happiness, habits and living a happier, more fulfilled life.  She also has a weekly podcast with her sister that comes out on Wednesday’s that I listen to every week.  

While we were in Arizona I re-read her book The Happiness Project and want to start a happiness project this year.  I need to think more about this and hopefully I can start it soon.  

One of the interesting things she and her sister have been talking about for the past few weeks on the podcast is choosing 18 things to focus on in 2018.  I really liked this idea and have spent the past week trying to come up with my  18 things.  So far I have 9 and will add 9 more on July 1. 

My 9 are

1.  Track in my fitness pal everyday-I  love this app and I want to lose some weight this year.  I hope tracking everyday will keep me accountable to my goals. 
2.  Run 3 times per week-I signed up for a 1/2 marathon at the end of September so I need to run consistently before I start training for the 1/2 in May. 
3.  100 ounces of water a day-I need to drink more water.  I feel better when I drink a lots of water and it’s so much better for me than Diet Coke (my favorite beverage)
4.  Keep house clean/organized-I feel better if our house is clean.  If our house is a wreck I feel like my life is a wreck.  A clean home makes me happy.  
5.  Walk everyday-This is another health goal.  I love walking and this year I want to make time for a walk everyday. 
6.  Spend lots of time with Graig and Ava-I love my family so much and I want to make it a priority to spend quality time at home with them.  
7.  White space-I want white space in my calendar and in my life this year.  Last year I was SO busy and I don’t want this year to be a repeat of that.  I’m going to carve out time to spend time working on my health and family goals. 
8.  Make a special Sunday dinner 2 x per month- I love cooking and on Sunday I have a little extra time to make special meals for our family.  I got a few new cookbooks last year and it will be fun to try them out!  
9. Listen-I ❤️❤️to talk and sometimes I think about how I’m going to respond instead of listening to the person talking to me.  I’m going to try and be a better listener this year. 

These are my 9 for the first 1/2 of 2018.  I’ll be posting monthly updates on my progress.  
