Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Happiness Project

I love Gretchen Rubin.  She is an author and has written books on happiness, habits and living a happier, more fulfilled life.  She also has a weekly podcast with her sister that comes out on Wednesday’s that I listen to every week.  

While we were in Arizona I re-read her book The Happiness Project and I want to start a happiness project this year.   I’ve thought the couple of weeks since we’ve been back what I wanted to do for my Happiness Project.  She is also doing 18 for 2018 and I did a post here on what my 18 things will be for 2018. 

For the Happiness Project you choose one happiness theme for the month and do things related to that theme.  Like my 18 for 18 I am going to choose January-June now and then think more about what I’d like to accomplish for the last half of the year.

Here are my Happiness Themes for Jan-June

January-Sleep 8 hours a night.  I. am. a. terrible. sleeper.  I stay home too late, I wake up in the middle of the night and start thinking about all I have to do the next day, I hit snooze one too many times in the morning and then I'm racing around trying to get ready for the day.  Ugghhhh!!!!!   I thought I needed to start with this one because my lack of sleep affects everything else in my life.  

February-Learn more about wine.  I bought Kevin Zrally's wine book for myself and my 5 dear friends for Christmas in 2016...and none of us have read it.  I have heard great things about this book and I really want to make it a priority to read in in February.  

March-Organize family memories.  I have 10,000 pictures on my iphone and I need to make a photobook for 2017, for our Disney trip from last year, and from the tree.    I also have lots and lots of actual photos that need to be organized in boxes.  

April- Declutter and organize our house.  We have lived in the same house for 14 years and we have accumulated lots and lots of stuff.  I want to organize our entire house before we move into our summer house this year.  

Our summer house isn't fancy but we love it.  It's a small ranch house that we move into in the summer when we rent our house out to baseball families who are visiting our town for baseball camps.  

May-Say yes to new adventure!  Summer is my favorite time of year and I want to say yes to day trips, fun overnight trip with friends, swimming, hiking, boating and all the fun things that there is to do in the summer!!

June-Last year was our 20th anniversary!  We were just moving from our regular house to our summer house and getting things organized with our rental house.  On top of that we were getting Ava ready to go to Czech. Because of all that craziness we didn't get away for our anniversary.  I would like to plan a little anniversary getaway for us this year.  

That's my happiness project for the first half of 2018.  I'll post monthly updates on it so I can track my progress.  
